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Virgin And The Lover

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Virgin And The Lover

Eric Edwards stars in the psychologically driven tale of a man trapped inside his own sexual fantasy world. It seems that he`s only ever fallen for one woman, a gal who died in a tragic car crash years before. Now Eric lives with a manniquin that he`s dressed up in her old clothes and has vivid dreams about the dummy coming to life and trysting with him. He ends up at the office of a psychiatrist whose delectable young secretary just happens to think he`s dreamy. This is early porn at its most complex and ambitious, taking a long, hard look at modern relationships even while serving up a series of white-hot sex scenes. They don`t make `em like this anymore... artsy, moody, and scorchingly erotic.

Duration: 91 minutes

Directed by: Kemal Horolu 
Studio: Collector Classix Inc. 

Watch these pornstars in Virgin And The Lover :
 • Helen Madigan  • Jennifer Welles  • Darby Lloyd Rains  • Eric Edwards  • Leah Malone  • Mark Stevens  • Susan Sloan


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