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Masochistic Circus

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Masochistic Circus

We begin our journey with him standing in an archway outside in the courtyard showing off for the 2 Mistresses. You will not believe how many weights he can swing from his numerous genital piercings. The things he does are simply unbelievable! Kermit wears a red lingerie set, chrome collar, and high heels while he is spread in the archway. His nipples are punished severely. He is cropped, caned on his lower stomach and cock. He begs while sucking a dildo, and manages to have an orgasm as a result of this cruelty. Irene decides to use him as a toilet while he lies on his back on the cold cobblestones, and Mistress Shane watches with amusement.

Duration: 36 minutes

Directed by: Irene Boss 
Studio: MIB Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Masochistic Circus :
 • Kermit  • Mistress Shane  • Irene Boss


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