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The Accidental Gardener

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The Accidental Gardener

Irene Boss is visiting Mistress Shane in Antwerp Belgium. They are sitting in the courtyard outside Shane's studio on a lovely October evening making conversation while wearing leather corsets, skirts, girdles, heels, boots and hose. They look divine and you have just entered heaven. Suddenly, they notice that the gardener has done a very poor job maintaining the grounds. Mistress Shane is embarrassed by this. Something must be done! Irene and Shane make a 'tree' out of the gardener by commanding him to hold branches between his legs and arms. Then the ladies punish the tree with their whips and crops! The slave is then left to stand in the courtyard all night long bearing the marks from the implements.

Duration: 59 minutes

Directed by: Irene Boss 
Studio: MIB Productions 

Watch these pornstars in The Accidental Gardener :
 • The Gardener  • Mistress Shane  • Irene Boss


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