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Midnight Fire: Carnal Classics

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Midnight Fire: Carnal Classics

The sunsets on a busting city. A room fills with smoke as the phone lines light up & a hand reaches for the dial. You're on the air with Nikki "Midnight" Ryder. Her sulky, erotic voice caresses the air waves as you adjust the controls to tune her in. Spend a night with Nikki as she paints your most sensual fantasies and strokes the fires of your dreams with a wave of her tongue. Got a hope... maybe fear or a desire burning deep in the recesses of your mind. The Midnight Fire's burning out of control and you're looking for someone... something to dampen the flames. Reach out, pick up the phone and let Nikki touch those smoking embers of the Midnight Fire!

Duration: 81 minutes

Studio: LBO 

Watch these pornstars in Midnight Fire: Carnal Classics :
 • Jessie Eastern  • Raven Richards  • Viper (f)  • Sharon Kane  • Lynn LeMay  • Krystal Kraven


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