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Part-Time Stewardess

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Part-Time Stewardess

What do horny stewardesses do when they're not flying the wild blue yonder? Well, if they're like Rachel and Beverly, they sit around the pool and invite some equally horny studs to the pad for a wet time in the pool and a hot time in the sack. Rachel is a stacked blonde, with boobs out to h-e-r-e, and she likes to show off her fabulous body in a tight fitting blue one piece bathing suit as she suns herself. When a handsome young guy peeps over the wall at their he can't resist climbing into the patio and going for a fast feel of her goodies. Being a playful lady she promptly boots him into the water. Her Roomie Beverly is a short-haired perky blonde who finds herself two guys to fool around with. Beverly has a flight to catch, but she manages to work in a girl-to-girl couch session with her roommate Rachel that proves two girls can stay on the ground and still fly united!

Duration: 77 minutes

Directed by: Wendy Adams 
Studio: LBO 

Watch these pornstars in Part-Time Stewardess :
 • Rachel Ryan  • Timmy Newsome  • Lenny Strong  • Beverly Glen  • Dick Sharp


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