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Bound By Sir B

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Bound By Sir B

Bobbi is Sir B's new slave for today. After she strips her clothes off, Sir B ties her hair up with rope and pulls her off her feet and on to her toes. He lights a cigarette just to snuff it out on her tongue, then does a body tie on Bobbi and wraps her head up with tape. He punishes her nipples with mouse traps and her pussy with clamps. Soon she is bound to a bondage chair as her sore nipples are clamped and pulled as she is made to cum with a vibrator, after Bobbi is stored away in a cage, waiting for her next session with Sir B.

Duration: 60 minutes
From the series: Bound By Sir B
Directed by: Sir B. 
Studio: B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in Bound By Sir B :
 • Mistress Isabel  • Sir B  • Bobbi


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