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Sir B's Bondage Virgin: Starr Struck

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Sir B's Bondage Virgin: Starr Struck

Starr is pulled out of the cage and placed into the stocks where she takes a good flogging on her ass. Sir B. puts a clamp on her tongue and ties it off, and than canes her. Starr is taken out of the stocks so she can receive a whipping from a single-tail on her front & back. Soon a few clothes pins are placed on her and needles are pierced into her skin. She is placed on a medical gurney where Sir B. uses a violet wand plays with fire on her bare skin. There is more electro play then Starr is made to sing as she is getting a hard caning for the finisher.

Duration: 65 minutes

Studio: B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in Sir B's Bondage Virgin: Starr Struck :
 • Sir B  • Mistress Isabel


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