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Dorcel Airlines: Paris - New York: French

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Dorcel Airlines: Paris - New York: French

On "Dorcel Airlines", the stewardesses are not ordinary. With their sexy looks and beautiful smiles, they are totally able to calm down the most anxious travelers. They not only know how to sustain steamy relationships with their colleagues, but the passengers too. When these flight attendants bring the drink caddy down the aisles, they have a lot more to offer than coffee. Whether it's their actively sucking mouths, supple breasts, sweetness of their pussies or the treasures of their anus', Yasmine, Roxy, Marika and others, take you on board for a delicious perverted flight.

Duration: 91 minutes
From the series: Dorcel Airlines
Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Dorcel Airlines: Paris - New York: French :
 • Mike Angelo  • Lauro Giotto  • Bob Terminator  • Nikki Blond  • Roxy Panther  • Kate Jones  • Yasmine (II)  • Tony Carrera  • Ian Scott  • Tarra White  • Alex Forte  • James Brossman  • Valentina Velasquez


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