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Fantasmes 2: Soubrettes And Secretaires

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Fantasmes 2: Soubrettes And Secretaires

They work in a hotel, a mansion or a single office, and the Secretaries Soubrettes have one thing in common: they know what it takes to respond to the slightest desire of their respective owners.

Duration: 192 minutes

Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Fantasmes 2: Soubrettes And Secretaires :
 • Defrancesca Gallardo  • J.P.X.  • Kate Sweet  • James Brossman  • Larissa Dee  • Eufrat  • Donna Bella  • Leny Evil  • Cindy Hope  • Ian Scott  • Kristine Crystalis  • Alison Star  • Cindy Dollar  • Bijou  • Stacy Silver  • Simone Style


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