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Absolute Amateurs 4: Legal Teens

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Absolute Amateurs 4: Legal Teens

The teeny sweet tarts in this amateur extravaganza obviously have just ripened and are ready to be picked. Their incredibly tight little bodies and fragrantly pleasant pussies will most likely be the best thing you will see all day! They even fuck like amateurs...which in this case will make you cum that much harder.

Duration: 98 minutes
From the series: Absolute Amateurs - Yes Dude
Directed by: Uncle Lanny 
Studio: Uncle Lanny Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Absolute Amateurs 4: Legal Teens :
 • Heather  • Ryan (m)  • Natalie  • Peaches (Yes Dude LLC)  • Ashton  • Monica  • Diego  • Ashley  • Dominic


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