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Absolute Amateurs 3: Housewives

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Absolute Amateurs 3: Housewives

Uncle Lanny has done it again, bringing you 5 unbelievable scenes that will have your cock screaming for relief! These horny housewives are holding nothing back as they open their mouths and spread their legs wide, taking the cock like there's no tomorrow! Don't miss out!

Duration: 98 minutes
From the series: Absolute Amateurs - Yes Dude
Directed by: Uncle Lanny 
Studio: Uncle Lanny Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Absolute Amateurs 3: Housewives :
 • Zack  • Ryan (m)  • Alex  • XXX Roxette  • Dusty Lynn  • Loyda  • Lisa  • Cristian  • Shauna  • Drew


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