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English Discipline Series: Mrs. Delgado's Way

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English Discipline Series: Mrs. Delgado's Way

Home economics class becomes a free-for-all when the instructor, Mrs. Delgado leaves the room. The irate home ec. teacher decides it's time to teach these girls a thing or two about discipline. When a bare hand over the knee spanking fails to produce the desired effect, Mrs. Delgado decides to apply other tools of the trade. An old fashioned wooden stirring paddle comes in handy for this occasion, as does her leather belt. But in the end she finds she has to make use of the limber birch cane. If these girls learn nothing else today, they will definitely learn who's the boss.

Duration: 60 minutes
From the series: English Discipline Series

Studio: Calstar 

Watch these pornstars in English Discipline Series: Mrs. Delgado's Way :
 • Maria Rios  • Deborah Chaney  • Rhonda Douglas


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