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Thom Barron Calling

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Thom Barron Calling

Franco Potente is running through Berlin. He has only two hours to fuck Thom Barron. But in the sluttiest city in the world, new sex adventures are waiting around every corner! Masturbating hotdog vendors, razor-sharp hairdos, fucking cellar punks, turned on gallery visitors, and a strip bar teeming with sex-crazed black men keeps him from reaching his goal. First, he falls into the trap of a sex psychopath, then he runs into a group of nasty skinheads. Every minute he is experiencing one Berlin sex revelation after the other. At the end, he is even run over by a taxi on the way to the toilet. When he finally meets up with his dream man Thom, his time is already up but what happens then is a dream come true.

Duration: 97 minutes

Directed by: Sven Jungbluth 
Studio: Cazzo Film 

Watch these pornstars in Thom Barron Calling :
 • Franco Potente  • Tim Vinzent  • Will Ride  • Ben  • Wolff  • Christoph Scharff  • Josh Ford  • Jake Corwin  • Timmy  • Willi Wonder  • Karl Johnson  • Darius Akin  • John Hawk  • Fred Faurtin  • Eduardo Cortez  • Lupus  • Felix Groth  • Anthony Spell  • Wade  • Max Schneider  • Thom Barron  • Damion


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