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Breakfast With Tiffany

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Breakfast With Tiffany

Tiffany Brookes is one hot little cowgirl from the Lone Star State who loves her smokes! You really get to know her as she talks a lot about her smoking and past experiences. It's not often a single model dominates a film as much as Tiffany does here, and her 4 scenes run over an hour. There's lots of smoking, a brief gap while she joyously gets herself off (way too good to leave out) and a variety of sets and chit chat to keep you interested, along with some fabulous peeks at Tiff's perfectly tight little body! Jamie Lynn returns after her 2 year contract as 'centerfold of the year' for the company that rhymes with "Rent Mouse" expired. It's great to see her again, watch her smoke as deeply and joyously as ever and hear her talk about some of her experiences over the last couple years, along with lots of peeks to make sure her body parts are still as gorgeous as ever! Finally Rebecca Steel is all nylon covered legs, slurpy smokey mouth and smiles as she draws out a hot mouthful of juice to make herself very happy, a nice ending to her day and this funfilled smoker.

Duration: 86 minutes

Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Breakfast With Tiffany :
 • Tiffany Brookes  • Jamie Lynn  • Rebecca Steel


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