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Fucking Machines 2: Featuring Harmony, Lexi Bardot, And Penny Flame

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Fucking Machines 2: Featuring Harmony, Lexi Bardot, And Penny Flame

Harmony, Lexi Bardot and the sizzling Penny Flame are hot enough to melt snow in part one of the Snow Plowed series. The girls challenge each other to a fucking machines show down that lasts over an hour and includes dueling sybians, anal pounding orgasms and a size queen challenge where the winner takes the huge king kong dong as fast as possible on the intruder. Harmony does anal for the first time with a fucking machine and puts up a solid fight against Lexis seasoned love for it in the ass and Penny will be tough to beat on her favorite jumping orgasm machine, the sybian.

Duration: 63 minutes
From the series: Fucking Machines
Directed by: Tomcat 

Watch these pornstars in Fucking Machines 2: Featuring Harmony, Lexi Bardot, And Penny Flame :
 • Lexi Bardot  • Penny Flame  • Harmony Rose


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