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Married Men Suck Dick Too

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Married Men Suck Dick Too

Bo is in his late 30's and works a pretty white-collar job. It's probably safe to assume that none of his co-workers knew that he was leaving at the end of the day to star in a pornographic scene, but that is exactly what he did. When he shows up at my doorstep wearing his polo shirt, and khaki pants, he had just spent a long day in the land of corporate America. On his own time though, he is a gay guy who has no shame about his desires to have sex with guys who are attached to women. In fact, while he gets naked and shows off his body, he admits that he only had sex with women until a few years ago, but he picked the stage name Bo because he likes to blow big dicks. Before I pair him up with another guy, Bo shows off his body and strokes his hard cock for a bit. He then takes a hot shower to loosen up before he meets the guy he's about to suck off. Devin is married, but he's bi and his wife knows that he has sex with guys. You can say he's a rare breed that is masculine, and confident enough in that masculinity to admit that he is attracted to both sexes. There is instant chemistry between Devin and Bo as soon as they meet. Devin comes on strong and starts making out heavily with Bo. It is a hot sight to see two masculine, fit guys tongue kissing and groping each others pecs.

Duration: 54 minutes

Studio: Iron Video 

Watch these pornstars in Married Men Suck Dick Too :
 • Bo  • Devin  • Andrew


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