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Sindy's Sexercise Workout

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Sindy's Sexercise Workout

The kinky adventures of supermodel Sindy Crawlforward continue in this raunchy video. Celeste reprises the title role, and she shines in a series of very hot sequences that really let her show off her huge tits. This time out, Sindy's making a workout tape, but one that's got her own unique touch. It's actually titled "How to Have Anal Sex!" Well, she might not get her workout video into some larger stores, but she's sure to sell plenty once her fans get a glimpse of slutty Sindy in action. Steve Drake plays the crooked producer of the video, and he uses the old casting couch routine to fuck the delicious Heather Lee and Steffi in a pair of dirty, nasty scenes. Tammi Ann finishes the video by letting Marc Wallace enjoy a nasty ass-fucking of her while Celeste watches in lusty admiration.

Duration: 70 minutes

Directed by: Fred J. Lincoln 
Studio: Arrow Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Sindy's Sexercise Workout :
 • Misty Rain  • Woody Long  • Tammi Ann  • Marc Wallice  • Heather Lee  • Rikki Ray  • Steve Drake  • Celeste


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