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"Sleaze - tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar. That's exactly where we start - in a cheap, sleazy motel off the end of a forgotten strip mall in downtown L.A., with Vin Nolan checking into the unwelcome sight of Dak Ramsey. Get ready for a late check-out!Business-clad executive Ryann Wood checks into the sleazy motel, gets undressed and chains himself to the bed in the opening scene, featuring Andrew Justice as the cowboy hat wearing hick who happens upon Wood and fucks him every-which-way-but-loose. Wood gets his chain jerked into three deep-penetrating positions before both explode all over Woods body and face.

Duration: 91 minutes

Directed by: John Bruno 
Studio: Mustang Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Sleaze :
 • Vin Nolan  • Derrick Hanson  • Marco Paris  • Andrew Justice  • Alexy Tyler  • Justin Riddick  • Kamrun  • Ryann Wood  • Marc Williams  • Dak Ramsey


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