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Colette's Kinky Desires

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Colette's Kinky Desires

An argument with her photographer husband, Thomas, leads to model Beth's chance encounter with country girl Colette. Taking her home, Beth convinces Colette to join her the next day on the set of the extremely raunchy fetish film in which she is starring. Colette a total newcomer to the city life is overwhelmed, and gets very excited by what she sees. The next day Colette meets Thomas and explains her conflicting feelings about what she has seen. With the help of hypnosis and some fetish gear Thomas and Beth set about removing Colette's inhibitions and the three are soon engaging in some kinky sex acts. In the aftermath, Beth invited Colette to join her on the set of her next film scene, and now the horny and uninhibited Colette agrees. Colette's body and mind are free and she is finally able to give herself up to her most secret kinky desires. The final step is taken and the transformation is complete.

Duration: 111 minutes

Directed by: Kovi 
Studio: Private Media 

Watch these pornstars in Colette's Kinky Desires :
 • Sunny Green  • Toni Ribas  • Steve Holmes  • Michelle Wild  • G.G. Summer  • Franco Roccaforte  • Christel Starr  • Adrienne Klass  • Claudio Meloni  • Cindy Coxx  • Silvie Raz  • Sandra  • Leslie Taylor  • Orsi Shine  • Thomas Stone  • Monica Moore


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