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Gaia 4: Italian Legacy

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Gaia 4: Italian Legacy

Tom and Clint, two handsome men who inherited a vast amount of wealth from their recently deceased father, must travel to Italy so that they can cash in on their profitable inheiritance. They learn that their father not only had a drug habit, but also had extremely perverse sexual habits. And, as it would seem, the man wanted to teach his offspring the glories of the greatest sexual delights, even after his death. The first step was to get the men to go to Italy. Once there, the decendants discover more than just millions of dollars, but also a series of videotapes in which their father takes part in most varied sexual marvels in excellent company. So not only do they inheirit his money but also his sexual habits. So much money can't go unnoticed by the local fortune hunters and thus, Conchita, Maria, and the Baroness weave a subtle cobweb to capture these presumed suckers who are suddenly filthy rich and oversexed.

Duration: 86 minutes
From the series: Private: Gaia
Directed by: Christoph Clark 
Studio: Private Media 

Watch these pornstars in Gaia 4: Italian Legacy :
 • Monika Ticha  • David Perry  • Monica Orsini  • Silvia Saint  • Stefania Bruni  • Timea  • Dolores Nero  • Ian Daniels  • Christoph Clark  • Jonathan Morgan  • Jean Yves Lecastel


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