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Rolling Cheeks

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Rolling Cheeks

Buttman sez - Rolling cheeks, fat rolling cheeks. I don't mean fat or flabby, but full, firm and fleshy, this is what gets me off. So I tried to shoot more of this wonderful thing in this film, especially those 'fat' cheeks walking away from the camera. I hook up with Rocco in Budapest and set him up with Sophie and Kathy. It's fun like old times, with me getting plenty of those fat rolling cheeks. I also have the 'fat' cheeks of Angela, Susie and Vanessa rolling in front of my camera. Because of the incredible beauty and strength of these women I am able to experiment with some different more demanding exposures. There is also plenty of extra sex footage and behind-the-scenes footage from Rocco's huge orgy, shot in Rome for his film Rock 'n Roll Rocco.

Duration: 138 minutes

Directed by: John 'Buttman' Stagliano 
Studio: Evil Angel Buttman Magazine Choice 

Watch these pornstars in Rolling Cheeks :
 • Richard Langin  • Rocco Siffredi  • Vivienne Clash  • Dina Pearl  • Illana Moore  • Sophie Call  • Kathy Kash  • Christoph Clark  • Jean Yves Lecastel  • Leslie Taylor  • Katalyn Hoffner  • Olga L.  • Andrew Youngman  • Cassandra  • Angela Call  • Kathy Devine  • Stephanie Silver  • John Stagliano  • Regina Sipos  • Michelle Greco  • Roberto Malone  • Silvio Evangelista


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