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Watch 11 straight studs eating their own loads, fingering their asses and talking about their fantasies!Fratboi hottie Aiden Cross lays back and lets it all out for you in this steamy solo session! He starts rubbing his johnson through his pants, then sneaks if out through the fly. Eventually he takes his clothes off and then really gets down to business. He stroked his hard cock harder and harder until he shoots his creamy white load all over his chest! Freckled face friend Brandon invites you to watch him watch a movie. He gets into it. Really into it! His pants come off and his anal toy goes in and Brandon keeps stroking along through it all. His juice cums suddenly and squirts all over his stomach and arm which he then scoops up and snacks on!

Duration: 121 minutes

Directed by: Joe Serna 
Studio: Defiant Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Ahhh :
 • Logan Loader  • Aiden Crpss  • Justin  • Marcus  • Bradley Shaw  • Nate Ritchie  • Shane (Defiant)  • Bryce  • Michael Whitewood  • Brandon  • Alex West


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