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Straight from pornstar Tera Patrick's Teravision studio, Decadence is gonzo porn with an elegant edge, a gorgeously shot feature-quality XXX piece of unrestrained indulgence. A probe into the human psyche, a test of sexual boundaries and limitations. A first person encounter of the events and people involved. Ethan Kane takes ravishing girls, beautiful sets and a dirty mind and puts them all together to create a visual feast that's not just eye-candy. The girls interact and make frequent eye contact with the camera creating a constant first person experience for your gratification. This lush extravaganza combines great production values with up-close, crystal-clear hardcore sex. Wallow in the excess that is Decadence!

Duration: 126 minutes

Directed by: Ethan Kane 
Studio: Teravision 

Watch these pornstars in Decadence :
 • Marco Duato  • Victoria Sin  • Mario Rossi  • Maya Hills  • Ben English  • Alec Knight  • Anna Nova  • Paola Rey


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