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Intense Lesbian Orgasms

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Intense Lesbian Orgasms

Well, we better face it, fellas. We can't please a woman the same way another woman can. They've got pussies of their own, and they know what feels good. They can put their twats in states of bliss that we can't begin to imagine. Unlike you or I, they can not only find the clitoris, but they can flick it and frig it so delicately that you wouldn't even know there's anything happening until the orgasmic eruption begins. No, we can't compete with that. But there is something we can do. We can whack off to it! And we will. Oh, yes. We Will!

Duration: 153 minutes

Studio: Mile High Media Indulgence 

Watch these pornstars in Intense Lesbian Orgasms :
 • Destiny Deville  • Boo Dilicious  • Lennox  • Tawny Roberts  • Nicki Hunter  • Kelly Kline  • Erica Cane  • Crissy Taylor  • Heather Gables  • Jessica Drake  • Barbie Bucxxx  • Molly Malone  • Hana  • Rubee Tuesday  • Rita


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