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The Slut Sitter

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The Slut Sitter

Poor Krissy, left behind when her Mistress, Talia, goes on a European Vacation. Left to the tender mercies of Jewell-Marceau! Jewell has had slut sitter duty with Krissy in the past, and always leaves the sexy submissive red, sore, and marked! Between being smothered by Jewells titanic tits, flogged, spanked, probed, and vibed, Krissy isnt so sure if all the punishment is a bad thing!

Duration: 64 minutes

Directed by: BIP 
Studio: Bon Vue Enterprises B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in The Slut Sitter :
 • Krissy Kage  • Jewell Marceau  • Talia Monet


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