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It's a Man's World 2: Pledges

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It's a Man's World 2: Pledges

Pledges (It's A Man's World, Part 2) is Studio 2000's slurpy sugar-rush of erotic escapism. Adventurous director Derek Kent always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Here he delivers his tasty and edgy take on what happens in a fraternity house filled to overflow with horny frat brothers and willing pledges. Rest assured, Pledges is the stuff stiffies are made of. Studio 2000's stock and trade is, now and forever, gorgeous, hung and hot guys and Pledges more than rises to the tradition.

Duration: 83 minutes
From the series: ... It's a Man's World
Directed by: Derek Kent 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in It's a Man's World 2: Pledges :
 • Zane West  • Mike Austin  • Brett Collins  • Robert Balint  • Roland Dane  • Ross Stuart  • Matt Fuller  • Bobby Steele  • Wade Mohawk  • Devon Barry


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