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Bondage Classics 2

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Bondage Classics 2

Hostage: You almost break your fingers trying to move slowly out and grab that handcuff key. Now you are free! She left the right next to you.The Penalty: The first ropes cut her off from freedom. Jeanna shows her fear as she watches her elbows wrenched painfully together and tied there.Whatever Wanda Wants: Cunning, and beautiful - Wanda shows her wickedness to her sweet, innocent victim. Naked, sweaty, tearful bondage at its finest!Surprise: Her only contact with what might loosely be considered reality is Nikki, who keeps leaving and returning with more and more rope to bind her helplessly.On Second Thought: Twisted, she can find no escape from the prying hands and lips that seek her out. Straps are followed by even more straps.The Auction: Three girls, wide-eyed, stare at the doorway. The trader opens the door and admits a buyer. It's an auction you'll never forget!

Duration: 50 minutes
From the series: Bondage Classics

Studio: Sunshine Films London Video/HOM 

Watch these pornstars in Bondage Classics 2 :
 • Jeanna  • Nikki  • Wanda


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