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My Ex-Girlfriend

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My Ex-Girlfriend

A man gets out of prison and returns to visit the town and home of his ex-girlfriend. She has aged a bit but is still a red hot MILF. She shows him pictures of Tessa, her daughter, now 19 years old and gorgeous. The pix are nude poses. Mom wants Tessa to be n a men's magazine and is about to send these pix off. Steve is amazed, speechless. This was the little girl who he used bounce on his knee and play pony with. That evening Steve hears Tessa arrive home late with a boy in tow. She proceeds to seduce him in the living room, not knowing of course that she is being watched. Now grown up Tessa has the hots for mature, world wise Steve and proceeds to tease him mercilessly over the next days. Finally, Mom has to visit her sister out of town, leaving Tessa and Steve alone. The inevitable happens, Steve sneaks away in the night, narrowly avoiding other nasty complications.

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Paul Thomas 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

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