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Spanish Playhouse

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Spanish Playhouse

Tommy Lima is horny and very anxious to find an even hornier Manuel Lozano. After taking directions to Manuels place, Tommy sets off to get some action. But upon entering Manuels building, he realizes he doesnt have an apartment number, so he wonders around with a boner in his pants and one thing on his mind. What does he find? Five apartments with some of the most gorgeous and horniest guys in the country.

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: Spanish Playhouse
Directed by: Alexander 
Studio: Alexander Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Spanish Playhouse :
 • Marco Sevilla  • Oscar Blanco  • Manuel Lozano  • Cesar Santos  • Niko Tomiar  • David Leon  • Daniel Trejo  • Hugo Lopez  • Tommy Lima  • Alfonso Rosas  • Carlos Vega  • Alejo Mejia


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