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Atticmen 202: Hidden Camera Hook-Up

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Atticmen 202: Hidden Camera Hook-Up

I train the camera on the couch while Ted made sure the range and the close-up was good. When uber-furry Scott Spears showed up to film I told him that I would need him in about an hour, but that he could wait with twinky Ted in the den. I knew that the two hadn't met but had inquired about each other, so I knew they would hit it off, with bottom Scott looking forward to Ted's big cock. But there was more than that in that den. Since Scott didn't know about the film he didn't have his usual 'porn star' persona on, and showed us some parts of him we haven't seen in the Attic, like his top daddy mode, when Ted sits on his cock. This tape is all filmed from one angle, a close-up on the couch, where Ted and Scott kiss, undress, suck cock, rim and finally flip-flop fuck. This is a truly voyeuristic experience, sixty-eight minutes that shows you what happens when a hidden camera becomes a fly on the wall!

Duration: 67 minutes
From the series: AtticMen
Directed by: Todd Anderson 

Watch these pornstars in Atticmen 202: Hidden Camera Hook-Up :
 • Scott Spears  • Ted Warner


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