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Physician Chad Evers (Randy Spears) has a secret he must keep from the world. He has the ability to heal with a simple touch. Torn between his need to help humanity and the understanding that he cannot heal the world, he hides behind his profession. But after Dr. Evers heals Sarah Blacks (Julia Ann) mother, she quickly suspects that theres more than meets the eye. After medical school she becomes an intern at the hospital and in her quest for truth, she discovers a love for the gifted doctor. Now she too has the burden of this great truth. The truth is he can heal everyone but himself.

Duration: 114 minutes

Directed by: Randy Spears 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Touched :
 • Demi Delia  • Barrett Blade  • Frank Bukkwyd  • Julia Ann  • Mikayla  • Lindsay Meadows  • Mindy Main  • Randy Spears  • Gianna Lynn  • Eric Masterson  • Tommy Gunn


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