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Always Ready

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Always Ready

A chauffeur (Casey Donovan) imagines sex scenes while getting ready for work in the morning. The film begins with him being driven home and stripping out of his tuxedo in front of a three-way mirror. One of the images in the mirror takes on a life of its own and begins masturbating, Donovan does the same. A sex film ad that he receives the next morning, and a bathtub soak, start him dreaming of an office building's busy men's room where office boys jack off and cock-suck. One of them is on his knees awaiting dick, the other pulls his pants to his knees to reveal a thick, veiny slap of beef. A third man interrupts but goes into a stall to jackoff. He comes out just as the topman blows his wad into the other's face. Next, the handsome and burly boss/businessman (Rick Madison) enters the john, getting his own large cock sucked by the man. This movie is packed with loads of hardcore action and some bondage.

Duration: 64 minutes

Directed by: Wakefield Poole 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Always Ready :
 • William Winer  • John Taylor  • Richard Post  • Luke  • Carrie Reynolds  • James Gallo  • Rick Madison  • Casey Donovan  • Donna Mack  • Lou Davis  • Louie Moscoso


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