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Flesh 1995

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Flesh 1995

Flesh 1995 is an exciting science fiction fantasy that blends a hot futuristic plot with plenty of hard pounding stud action! A limited nuclear war has rendered 95% of the surviving male population sterile. The ruling power has decreed all sex for pleasure forbidden only sex for procreation is declared legal. However a few handsome endowed young men have been licensed to have sex for pleasure in order to appear on the government owned TV program, Sexarama! Flesh 1995 is their x-rated story.

Duration: 78 minutes

Directed by: Kenneth Holloway 
Studio: Le Salon 

Watch these pornstars in Flesh 1995 :
 • D.L Smith  • John Andrews  • Chris  • Vince Thomas  • Rick Gerard  • Ian Phillips  • Tony Kennedy  • Paul Auchon  • David Ashfield  • David Smith  • Shawn Victors  • Chad Combs  • Chris Thompson  • Jimmy Jagger


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