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Bare Naked Surfers

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Bare Naked Surfers

Ever drive by the beach and see a surfer sitting on his board waiting to catch the next perfect wave? Have you ever spent the day at the beach and watched as surfers hang out with their buddies and fantasized about the hottest guys there and what it would be like to see them give each other a blowjob for the first time? Watch as these "straight surfers" experience life on the other side of the board by "taking it" from a surf buddy. These "bored stiff" straight surfers are going places they have never been before and now you get to see all of it in one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year.

Duration: 175 minutes

Directed by: Clark Kent 
Studio: U.S. Male Straight Surfers 

Watch these pornstars in Bare Naked Surfers :
 • Andy Blue  • Steward Wellington


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