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ShowGuys 221: Boyfriends Miguel And TJ Bareback

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ShowGuys 221: Boyfriends Miguel And TJ Bareback

TJ lubes Miguels dick, and impales himself. Miguels mighty, unsheathed organ slides up TJs hungry hole, and starts pumping up into the lad. TJ turns around into a great frog. Miguels thrusts become even more frenzied, and he reaches around and plays with TJs very hard cock. They roll into the spoon position, and we get some incredible penetration shots with Miguels monster splitting TJs adorable bubble butt. Now Miguel sits on the end of the bed, TJ sits on his dick, and Miguel stands up while fucking his boyfriend. He puts TJ on his shoulders on the bed, gets over him, and continues the pleasurable punishment.

Duration: 51 minutes
From the series: Showguys
Directed by: Sam Linnell 

Watch these pornstars in ShowGuys 221: Boyfriends Miguel And TJ Bareback :
 • Miguel  • TJ


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