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Sybian Rides 4 Cash: Daisy Lane, Michael Diamond

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Sybian Rides 4 Cash: Daisy Lane, Michael Diamond

When I first see Daisy, I am certain that she could be a high-fashion model. In fact, this California girl has done some modeling and runway shows in the past. With her tight, lean body and healthy good looks, I am not surprised at all to learn this. Oh, and for those of you who love tall girls, this Amazon towers over me just shy of 511! She is a glamour girl with an Amazon feel to her. She is a glamazon! Now she has turned up in my Las Vegas hotel room to answer my ad to ride the Sybian for cash. I am excited to hear that she has a wild streak and that she has both a boyfriend and a girlfriend! Normally they do not use a lot of sex toys when the three of them play together, but I have a feeling that my Sybian will please her like no guy or girl ever could. I tease her repeatedly with the powerful vibrations of my Sybian and about 15 minutes into the movie, she is nearing her first orgasm. She eventually has three orgasms during this shoot, each one more powerful than the last. If you like super sexy girls who are tall and intelligent, you must watch this video. Daisy is a great find and she has a sparkling personality in addition to being a super hot Sybian girl.

Duration: 44 minutes
From the series: Sybian Rides 4 Cash
Directed by: Michael Diamond 
Studio: ErosArts Inc. 

Watch these pornstars in Sybian Rides 4 Cash: Daisy Lane, Michael Diamond :
 • Daisy Layne  • Michael Diamond


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