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Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Misty Haze

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Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Misty Haze

Misty Haze is found tied up on the bed in my studio, after I had rented it to another photographer! The guy didn't pay her, or me for the studio rental, he just tied her up, took his pictures, and left! A couple of hours later, I came back to find poor Misty all tie up and helpless! It was kind of hot seeing her like that to be honest! Then after teasing her about it for a few minutes, I of course let her go and she was very thankful, I mean very thankful! She immediately started blowing me, and then we fucked and fucked, ending in a nice thick gob of spungy gunk on her face! I might have to call that guy back, and give him free rentals with other models at my studio!

Duration: 37 minutes
From the series: Untie Me Then Let's Fuck
Directed by: Gerald Saunders 
Studio: Spungy Gunk Films 

Watch these pornstars in Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Misty Haze :
 • Misty Haze


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