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Morning Noon And Night

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Morning Noon And Night

An age-old tale of two roommates, both mustached and handsome! Greg Miens and Dave Daniels are obsessed by a desire for true love. Narrowing their search to three humpy studs each, we get to see their breakfast, lunch and dinner choices. Blonde Dave likes his mornings filled with an intellectual though clumsy blonde Michael Heath, who surprisingly resembles Dave with his sunny good looks! Later, crew cut and rough trade construction worker Tony Lee, handsome in a stern way, interrupts mustached and brunette Greg's afternoon nap with his hard-on! Tony stuffs Greg's face with his big cock then turns him around and eats his steamy buns. Next, Nick Eliot; the director, writer, editor, and co-producer, captures wonderful afternoon scenes of street and beach life as sexy, carefree men bask in the refreshing Californian sun. Later, Dave has a romantic dinner with gourmet chef Joe Gage, a virile and good-looking exception to the chef stereotype, but Greg stumbles home and a hilarious food fight erupts, naturally culminating in a three-way orgy of food and sex. Finally, in a dream sequence that mixes all of the earlier action, Greg and Dave realize that it's each other they've been seeking, and fall into one another's arms. This treasure still delights due to its celebration of naturalness, sex, fun, and exuberance! Enjoy!

Duration: 62 minutes

Directed by: Nick Elliot 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Morning Noon And Night :
 • Greg Miers  • Joe Gage  • Tony Lee


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