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Paramedic Alert

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Paramedic Alert

The fellows rush a handsome patient with a huge hard-on caused by a blood clot to an emergency room. The enchanting doctor works on it orally, then gets it down by fucking the patient and smearing his back with cum. Cannon just has "minor cuts and bruises, no exterior lacerations," so it's probably okay that Crane tells Dickerson, "Partner, why don't you take the freeway? It'll take us a little longer." Gum-chewing Dickerson looks around, sees Crane fucking Cannon, and says, "I'll take a detour." Surely, though, it's unethical when the cutie doctor from scene three undoes a patient's oxygen mask so they can sixty-nine, and Dickerson casually joins in!

Duration: 73 minutes

Directed by: Vincent DePaul 
Studio: Pleasure Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Paramedic Alert :
 • Marc Dickerson  • Tedd Long  • Sean Cannon  • Brent Barnes  • Jimmy Lee  • Matt Johnson  • Bill Crane  • Rick Sands


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