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Naked College Coeds 63

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Naked College Coeds 63

The 63rd edition to this series has college girls with their shirts up and their pants comin down! We have contest, where it takes skin to win and these college coeds will do anything! College girls are crazier than ever, and they're partying harder than you could imagine! For those familiar with DreamGirls, there's no surprise that they've captured every shocking and revealing second to bring you this awesome new series. Naked College Coeds are partying at Mardi Gras, Spring Break and Fantasy Fest. They're young, far from home and living on the wild side! Experience some of the most beautiful collegiates at America's hottest parties, where anything goes and the fantasized becomes reality. You'll indulge in scene after scene, each revealing yet another act of uninhibited reckless abandon. You'll be treated to some one-on-one fun when we spend quality time with select girls that want all the attention and all eyes on them. You'll be amazed at what these crazy college girls do for a good time. As an added bonus, you'll be blown away when we take you to out of control wet-t contests, where it takes extreme skin to win. With Naked College Coeds, you'll enjoy hot, young collegiates at outrageous parties having the time of their lives!

Duration: 115 minutes
From the series: Naked College Coeds

Studio: Dream Girls 


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