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Chocolate Cherries

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Chocolate Cherries

Theresa and Lois are deeply in love. The only trouble is that Lois cant marry her since he already has a wife. Instead, they make mad, passionate love every chance they get! In back seats of cars, in elevators, in doorways, always on the run. Not a very happy relationship, but sexually satisfying! Their torrid affair only becomes a problem when Lois wife, Myra finds out about Theresa and takes steps to bring her errant husband back into their marriage bed where he belongs!

Duration: 79 minutes
From the series: Chocolate Cherries
Directed by: Andrea Scott 
Studio: Coast to Coast 

Watch these pornstars in Chocolate Cherries :
 • Bianca Bradley  • Latice Chevron  • Sahara  • Sade  • F.M. Bradley  • Prince Tamu  • Andre Bolla  • Marshall Bradley


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