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Rookies Filthy Amateur Jocks

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Rookies Filthy Amateur Jocks

Rookies may look like a full on high-end production, but in reality it is a group of first-time performers fulfilling their dreams of porn stardom. This is an unscripted and undirected film, we shot exactly what these guys actually did. Rookies has a natural feel, and the guys are so fuckin' hot that you can't take your eyes off of them. What more do you want than a bunch of 100% all-gay Aussie sports jocks strutting their stuff and falling all over each other?

Duration: 111 minutes

Studio: Raging Stallion Studios Pistol Media 

Watch these pornstars in Rookies Filthy Amateur Jocks :
 • Hamish  • Benji  • Seth Williamson  • Jesse (m)  • Clinton Williamson  • Kia (m)  • Liam  • Alex  • Aiden  • Tony  • Heath Chapell


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