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Femme Covert

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Femme Covert

Who's on top now? Imagine a world where women hold down all the best jobs and men stay home to cook and clean and gab on the phone...a parallel universe where the Female is no longer the weaker sex, but instead the stronger and more dominant of the species. Sound far-fetched? Not when you witness the upside-down world of Femme Covert, where the battle of the sexes has long been won by womankind, and men have learned their placeon the bottom.

Duration: 74 minutes

Directed by: Wesley Emerson 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in Femme Covert :
 • Keisha  • Heather Lynn  • LeeAnna Heart  • Stacy Valentine  • Christi Lake  • Charlie  • Jordan Lee  • Diane  • Jacklyn Lick  • Sydnee Steele  • Laura Palmer  • Neena  • Crystal Taylor  • Melissa Hill  • Chase Stevens  • Morgan Fairlane  • Maya Souls  • Julia  • Shelbee Myne  • Zasu Knight


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