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Kittens 4: Bodybuilding Bitches

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Kittens 4: Bodybuilding Bitches

Just picture it. A half-dozen horny, sweaty chicks, all over the gym. All over the workout bench. Best of all, all over each other. They won't stop until they get good and juicy with wild, screaming orgasms. In the pool, in a bathroom and with double dildos. It's anywhere, anytime and with anything for these ladies. They shave, shine and shimmer. Bet you'll be pumping iron before you know it!

Duration: 99 minutes
From the series: Kittens
Directed by: Michael Carpenter 
Studio: Coast to Coast 

Watch these pornstars in Kittens 4: Bodybuilding Bitches :
 • Francesca Lei  • Jenna Fine  • Summer Knight  • Tiffany Million  • Bionca  • Nasty Natasha  • Pamela Dee  • Lacy Rose  • Alicia Rio  • Sierra


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