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Blazed And Confused

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Blazed And Confused

Penny and Roxy have set out to find the best sticky greens in America! They go ghetto to get a pot car, Roxy gives hand jobs and Jack eats beans from a can. Jenna has her first on screen experience with a local guy, the crew streaks in a forest and Penny and Jack fuck in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. Smoke a bowl and cum along on this road trip filled with stoner moments.

Duration: 164 minutes
From the series: Blazed And Confused
Directed by: Penny Flame 
Studio: Shane's World 

Watch these pornstars in Blazed And Confused :
 • Charles Berry  • Charlotte Stokely  • Roxy Jezel  • Sativa Rose  • Kyle Moore  • Jack Venice  • Page Morgan  • Penny Flame  • Jenna Presley  • Mr. Pete  • Sascha


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