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Tight End

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Tight End

This is the sexy story of socialite Stacy Van Dorne. She is hot, beautiful, charming and filthy rich. As a matter of fact, she was the past reigning princess of the debutante's ball. Now she is society's bad girl, a world-renowned home wrecker and a darling of the scandal magazines all over the world. Her family, the Van Dorne's, were in a panic and they had to keep their naughty daughter, Stacy, in check. The Van Dorne's hire the services of socialite, Katherine Hillary Forbes, to help keep their daughter out of the headlines and scandal sheets! The movie starts to get hot immediately, when we meet, Howard Bud Clark, the head coach of the Long Island Unicorns, a pro football team, which is owned by Stacy's grandfather and billionaire Nick Van Dorne. Let's face it this is basically a tale of money, sports and lust! The chemistry between Stacy and Howard is intense as they suck and fuck each other to a sizzling climax, where he cums on her soaked pussy. Not only is there hot action with the guys on the football team, but Stacy is more than glad to take on a few lesbians. As a matter of fact, there are several hot lesbian scenes in this 80's classic. There are also some very hot interracial scenes, where Stacy and Katherine decide to take on some of the hot chocolate football jocks... and these guys play hard! Eventually, Stacy and Katherine get around to fucking the coach and all the players, including the TIGHT END!

Duration: 88 minutes

Studio: Video X Pix 

Watch these pornstars in Tight End :
 • Marissa Betancourt  • Damien Cashmere  • Eric Dylan  • Peter Gash  • Nick Frenair  • Krista Lane  • Dylond Cartier  • Jessica Wylde  • Robert Aponte


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