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The Seeker

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The Seeker

The Seeker is an ultra-slick sex video shot entirely in San Diego, at the city's most happening nightspot Club Montage. The action centers on an adventurous night out on the town and one young man's sexual discoveries and experiences during an evening that contrasts a full range of possibilities from tender to nasty. What the viewer gets is very little talk. Instead he is treated to nearly two full hours of cock sucking asshole eating, power-fucking action! The Seeker is a journey First Class. Every scene leads the viewer through a riveting sexual experience that leaves him breathless, drained and pushing the replay button. Take a Saturday night trip with Studio 2000 - your fever will run high and you'll find just what you've been searching for.

Duration: 117 minutes

Directed by: Doug Jeffries 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in The Seeker :
 • Cal Jackson  • Danny Vox  • Rob Romoni  • Jay Ross  • Nick Thomas  • Trevor Knight  • Marcus Allen  • Ace Hanson  • Sean Storm  • Filippo Romano  • Tony Mecelli  • Chi Chi LaRue  • Joe Foster


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