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Obey Mistress Sarah

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Obey Mistress Sarah

Mistress Sarah takes two submissive through a 57-minute fun ride filled with humiliation and abuse. She begins with some light whipping and works into bi, body worship, anal play with two dildos while face sitting one of the slaves and more bi while using a violet wand for CBT. She uses old slave jack to service Her young stud submissive as he is locked in the rack. Dressed in black leather, stockings and high heels; She strips down into a black leather harness to reveal Her killer young body. Black boots and a red vinyl bikini compliment this dynamic Mistress in the second scene.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Steve Lake 
Studio: Lakeview Entertainment 

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 • Mistress Sarah  • Slave Quacky  • Slave Jack


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