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Beyond Desire

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Beyond Desire

Most guys can only fantasize about being locked-up in a whorehouse full of gorgeous raving babes like Seka and Vanessa Del Rio...but for a private detective like me, Mark Lowe, it's all in a day's work (or should that be "night's work?"). You see, Carla is afraid her little house of joy is going to be taken over by buddie Howie Mann...and that's where I fit in. As long as I'm watching over the place, Howie'll have a tough time pulling any funny stuff. Of course, my relationship with the girls is supposed to be "purely professional," but things don't always work out the way you plan 'em -- if you catch my drift. So, if you're looking for some hearty laughs, a little action, and a lot of hot sex, look no further than my hottest adventure ever -- Beyond Desire. You won't be disappointed...

Duration: 72 minutes

Directed by: Tim McDonald 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in Beyond Desire :
 • Billy Dee  • John Leslie  • Seka  • Little Oral Annie  • Gina Carrera  • Joey Silvera  • Vanessa Del Rio  • Nina Hartley  • Kristara Barrington


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