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Muscle, Sweat And Brawn

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Muscle, Sweat And Brawn

This terrific young black stud really knows how to work over a set of firm white buns. His partner was only a tool to satisfy his heated body, not once but twice. It's Joe Markham's massive prick, so it's hard and it's hot...a real down'n dirty, past the Adam's-apple throat opener. Joe and another heavy-hung stud work each other over with untiring lust. Ray Todd heads for the rugged country to get his on with two horny studs in a sweaty, exhausting orgy. Ray displays his incredible body and fuck muscle in every position, until he shoots with a heavy, heavy load. Jeff is a tall, well-built,school boy type with clean-cut good looks. When he climaxes,the beauty in his eyes is indescribable... A true reflection of nature's greatest ecstasy.

Duration: 64 minutes

Directed by: Bill Clayton 
Studio: Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Muscle, Sweat And Brawn :
 • Joe Markham  • Jeff  • Dean Chasson


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